Writing Competition 2022
The Hengistbury Head Writing Competition is in its eighth year in 2022 - find out everything you need to know about how to enter.
This year's Hengistbury Head Writing Competition has the theme of quotes from William Wordsworth as the starting point for themes and ideas:
“Come forth into the light of things,
Let Nature be your teacher.”
The organisers of the competition, Hengistbury Writers Group, are looking for poems and short stories based upon this theme.
What has nature taught you? Perhaps patience, healing, appreciation, relief, survival, a different view of things, respect or something else? Maybe you came closer to nature during the lockdowns of 2020 and 2021?
Use your own experiences to write a poem, a piece of prose or a short story. You can send in up to three entries. The competition is free to enter and all the information and rules are on our flyer.
Entries are welcome from writers of all ages, and from complete beginners to more experienced writers. Although it is a competition, the emphasis is very much on getting people to take part, and to have a go at being creative by writing poetry, stories or prose. All entries will be judged anonymously by members of the Hengistbury Writers.
Information and to enter
For more information about the competition, you can email us.
Alternatively, you can view/download the information from the links below. We look forward to receiving your entries by the closing date of midnight, 31 August, 2022.
Competition Information Flyer and Rules
Entry Form
Look at previous winning entries