Wildlife webcams
Always something going on...
We are currently live streaming from our cameras at across Hengistbury Head.
These cameras were provided by funding from the The Parks Foundation.

Keeping cameras working in the hostile environment of gales, driving rain and salty sea spray is expensive. We are raising funds to add more live streams in the future. Streaming costs around £1000 a year and we rely upon donations to make this happen.
So please join us in donating towards our Wildlife Cam Campaign. You can donate here online, or in person at the Hengistbury Head Visitor Centre via a cash or contactless donation.
Live streams
Below is a live stream of our bird feeders, but more can be found on the Parks Foundation Page - such as the Little Egrets nesting, Kestrel and Heron cams.
Please remember to refresh this page (SHIFT + F5), or to review a constantly updating stream, please visit the Parks Foundation page.